Flawless Fitness 2 – Not Your Mom’s Fat Loss Book

Product Name: Flawless Fitness 2 – Not Your Mom’s Fat Loss Book


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Flawless Fitness 2 – Not Your Mom’s Fat Loss Book is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Sound Too Good To Be True? Read On And I’ll Prove You Wrong

There’s a high chance that you’ve stumbled upon fitness books before which claimed to have all the tips, tricks and solutions that would allow you to finally look in the mirror, and not feel embarrassed about the person that’s staring back.

And there is a high chance that the advice inside those books, have failed you.

Maybe there were too complicated, so you had no choice but to give up before you even started.

Maybe they didn’t allow you to have the foods you love, so you got sick of eating low calorie, bland tasting crap every single day.

Maybe they required a membership to an expensive gym with fancy equipment that you didn’t know how to work, so you didn’t bother.

Maybe they forced you into using bogus supplements, pills and powders leaving you with an empty wallet, empty stomach and empty promises.

Or maybe, you actually tried to do exactly what they said, but after a few weeks became frustrated and threw in the towel, because your results started to plateau.

Either way, the point is that you are still no closer to achieving the lean body you’ve always wanted… but that’s all about to change!

Luckily for you, this page contains information that will finally put an end to your frustrations and the never-ending search for what really works! How do I know? Because…

You see that guy on the right? That would be me.

The dude I put on my product cover? That would be me as well.

I’m not one to resort to bragging, but you need to understand that I’m the product of my own teachings. I drink my own KoolAid and I take my own advice – because it works.

See the real problem is, you’ve been listening to complete losers who talk a big game, but don’t have the balls to put themselves on the cover of their own fitness product. Why? Because they don’t look the part. They have to rely on fitness models to do the selling for them.

Does that seem a little absurd to you? Because it should.

And yet, people fall for their garbage every day. If you truly want to see results, you need to start listening to someone who actually follows their own advice. Below is just a glimpse of what I’ve managed to accomplish::

Now let’s get one thing straight – My system is not meant to be a magic bullet solution, and it’s not designed for those who are un-willing to put in the work. That’s not how I roll. If you don’t like it then by all means, be my guest and go spend all your money on generic personal trainers who are more skilled at kissing ass and saying “me too” than actually delivering results.

It’s your choice. But the honest truth is…

In fact, you probably already know the basics – eat healthy and exercise. But just knowing that isn’t enough, there is a key ingredient which you’re missing out on, and it’s stopping you from seeing the drastic results you’ve always wanted. The type of results cover models benefit from.

Let’s consider an example: everyone knows that if you want to build a skyscraper, you need a giant hole in the ground that acts as a solid foundation. But is knowing that answer good enough for you to start building a skyscraper? I don’t think so.

Because answers aren’t enough. You need the right tools and systems which are designed to take the answers and help you implement them so that they are a part of your life. That’s the secret missing “link” to permanent fat loss and it’s something 99.9% of fitness products and trainers won’t teach you. But I will, in my brand new book called Flawless Fitness 2.

What Customers Are Saying

“It’s hard not to read this book in one sitting. I have no idea how FJ made all the technical details about fat loss an interesting and hilarious read, but I’m definitely glad he did… as my Abs were actually sore the next day from cracking up so hard on multiple occasions! Honestly, if your life doesn’t change after reading FJ’s masterpiece, then you’re probably hopeless.”

Because I’m doing a special seasonal offer, not only will you be getting the book for half off, I’ll also throw in 24/7 Email Support for 60 days (which is worth hundreds) along with LIFETIME book updates at no charge and finally, exclusive access to any future bonuses I release such as the audio book edition, calculators and new workout plans with state of the art video demonstration & commentary. This product will constantly be growing in value and you won’t pay a dime extra for it!

And if you’ve ever got questions, then you can bet your behind that I’ll have the answers. What’s more, my response time is lighting quick. And on top of that, you’ll never have to buy another fitness book again because you’ll always be updated with the latest copy!

So basically, for less than the cost of eating out at a regular restaurant, you’ll have access to a book with life changing information valued at over four-hundred dollars. I would personally be an idiot if I reduced the price any lower. In fact, my marketing advisor called me “insane”. But he’s too dumb to understand the bigger picture. My goal is to get this book in the hands of as many people as possible, starting with you.

Then you get a full refund and still get to keep the book for FREE since it’s a digital copy – Try that the next time you hit up a regular book store. Honestly, there are only 2 possible reasons why the techniques and tactics inside FF2 won’t work:

1) You cannot read and follow simple instructions written in plain English

2) You did not apply the methods within, and instead just sat on the couch doing what you’ve always been doing – nothing! A change in body requires action, and there is no way around that. The only reason I’m putting up such a ridiculous guarantee is because I know the information inside is fool proof and thoroughly tested! Just apply it!

I’m known for two things – being blunt & being obsessed with delivering jaw-dropping results. Invest in my product, and put the proven body transforming methods to the test for an entire month.

If you don’t look leaner, sexier and stronger, just shoot me an email and I will personally give you a refund. No questions, no middle-man and no monkey business. Just straight up integrity.

How can I offer such a ridiculous guarantee? Because personally, I never pay for shit that I don’t think is worth my cash, so neither should you. Sound reasonable? Good!

It’s Decision Time – Are You Ready To Finally Get Rid Of The Fat You’ve Struggled With For Years, And Maintain A Lean, Sexy Body For The Rest Of Your Life?

And remember, once you click the “Add To Cart” button above, you’ll have instant access to the book within minutes! You can order it whether it’s 9am or 2am… it doesn’t matter.

But I will warn you that this price will not last for long, so once you miss out, tough luck. Don’t be the dork who is late to the party and feels left out. Being the early bird has it’s privileges, order today!

“FJ’s words are as powerful as they are hilarious; they will inspire you to want to change your body; improve your health; look sexy and rip your shirt off at the beach. Instead of hand holding, sometimes you just need someone who’ll never ever let you give up. He does not care about your feelings, nor does he pay much attention to your excuses. He is the one who will make sure you are working hard even when motivation starts to fade. A jerk will always tell you what you need, even if it’s not necessarily what you want. I’ve come to realize that he cares for one thing, and one thing only – your results.”

Dr. Bojan Kostevski

“Hey FJ, I just wanted to let you know that after reading and applying all the techniques in your eBook, I saw fantastic results in just 2 weeks!
Being a performer, I know the value of staying in shape… since my income depends on it! I also travel all over the world, and therefore need to do workouts that are quick and effective at the same time… and you eBook lets me do just that. Your nutrition tips have also helped me boost my energy which lets me book more shows per month and has increased my income by 20%!
This is by far the best fitness product I have ever purchased. I wish you all the best!”

Tassilo Labuzinski

“When FJ first told me he was coming out with a new book I couldn’t help but bust out a couple of fist pumps. Granted, I was in a local coffee shop and accidentally punched a cute lady passing by in the jaw, but hey, she shouldn’t have been walking there! I digress. The main reason I’m excited FJ decided to publish a new book is because I know he provides quality, science-based information. Not only is FJ an incredible source of info but his passion for helping others achieve their own training goals is second to none. If you truly want to better yourself and learn from one of the smartest guys in the industry, I strong believe that investing in FJ’s book is a wise decision – you won’t be disappointed!”

Jordan Syatt

“Combine science, hilarity and experience with a dose of tough love, and what do you get? The Fittest Jerk of them all. FJ has about as many reps with real world clients as he does with lifting. Just check out some of his kickass client transformations and testimonials. Quit relying on broscience, myths, and programs that have you panting hard while leaving you flabby still. FJ will get you in the best shape of your life while you actually have fun in the process.”

Dick Talens, Co-Founder Of Fitocracy

“Hey FJ! Just wanted to let you know that I’ve lost a solid 4 lbs since starting your program 2wks ago! This is huge because no matter what I did or for how long I tried, my weight wouldn’t budge. I realize that I only have about 15 lbs more to lose, but losing that last little bit was seeming to become impossible… but now, I’ve actually broken through my plateau!!”

“…I’ve Spent Double The Cash On Fitness Products Before, That Didn’t Even Have Half The Information This Book Did!”

“Finished your book. Mind=Blown. I understand so much more. Thanks man”

“FF2 is the new instruction manual for my life!”

“Thank you, I espically liked the chapters about hormones, very easy to understand!”

Click on the questions below, to reveal their answer

Do I need a gym membership to do the workouts?

Nope! While I highly recommend a gym membership, you don’t need it to get effective results. I’ve put together a massive list of some of the best bodyweight exercises and how to utilize them in a way that can challenge anyone from beginner to pro.

Can I really eat “junk” foods and still lose weight?

Oh hell yes! While I initially recommend you follow the included food guide to get started, (as it’ll give you the fastest results) the principals I teach in the book can be used with almost anything that’s edible. In fact, there are specific times where you’ll have no choice but to eat junk food. Who said you can’t have your cake, and eat it too? They were wrong!

How soon can I start to see results?

If you’re not a complete buffoon and know how to follow instructions, then typically you’ll notice changes within the first 7 to 10 days. However, there are those with very stubborn bodies that need about 2 weeks to adjust to the new meal and workout plan. After that, you’ll experience a wooosh – where the weight just melts off. Either way, be patient.
However, if after 4 weeks you don’t see any noticeable difference (very rare), just shoot me an email and I’ll set you straight.

Is there a limit to how much support I receive in the 60 days?

No, you can contact me as much as you want – provided you follow my two simple rules:
1. Don’t email me fluff or nonsense. Fitness related questions only, and keep it brief and to the point.
2. Send your questions using the same email you used during the download of the book – this way I know you’re a customer.

If you must use a different email, attach the receipt. I get a lot of email, so I need to make sure I give priority to customers first… so make sure you can prove you are one.

Do I need to buy any extra supplements?

No, the techniques and principles I teach are very effective without them. But, in order to make this book complete, I’ve included an entire chapter on some of the best, most researched-backed supplements along with when they should be used, how you should take them, and their effective dosages. So it’s an option, but you don’t need it to see dramatic results. They’re called supplements for a reason – they provide additional support for a plan that already works.

Is there a hardcopy available for this book?

Yes, you can buy this book directly from Amazon HERE
But you should know that the digital version can easily be printed at home or at a print shop for a few bucks. Also note that the Amazon version itself, does not come with the bonuses listed on this page.

What if I buy the digital copy now, but want a hard copy later?

If you buy the digital version today, and want to own the hardcopy for that new-book smell, then email me your receipt and I’ll send you a discount code which will knock off 30% off the sticker price of the hard copy. And obviously, you’ll have access to all the bonuses.

Copyright © 2012 – Present Flawless Fitness Media

Legal Disclaimer: Because FTC likes to protect those with really low IQ, it is required that I identify what a “typical” result is. The guarantee does not claim that you will see the results you are expecting by just sitting on your ass and doing nothing. The testimonials that are listed on this web site are examples of those people that actually took “action”. What “typically” tends to happen is that people will read this book, then do nothing with it. Those that saw success with Flawless Fitness 2 followed the workouts, stuck to their diets and changed their lifestyle. In other words, they took action. If you want to avoid being “typical” and instead, see “extraordinary” results, then it’s time you applied the information you’re about to read. Every effort has been made to represent the knowledge as accurately as possible. By being on this webpage you agree to understand that the information on this website, it’s sub-domains and in its product(s) is intended for entertainment purposes ONLY and is not intended to treat, cure ot prevent any diseases or illnesses. Please see your doctor before you decide to try any fitness or diet program. The content of this website, it’s sub-domains and of its product(s) can change at any time without any notice. If you incur injury using this information, it is at your OWN risk. The author and web page hoster takes no responsibility for your actions. If you do NOT agree with these terms please leave the site and do not purchase any product(s)


Click here to get Flawless Fitness 2 – Not Your Mom’s Fat Loss Book at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Flawless Fitness 2 – Not Your Mom’s Fat Loss Book is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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